If you possess approver or admin rights, you can view the employees you need to approve, or the reported absence ( sickness i.e.) under Approvals --> Absence, as well as those who are in the same attest group as you (your team members).

As an approver, you are limited to managing absences submitted by employees you can attest for, whereas as an admin, you have the capability to edit any request.

There are 2 tabs under Absence: Absence overview and Absence requests

The Absence Overview allows you to view all absences, both reported and requested. It provides options to select specific employees, define the time range, and filter by the status of the absence requests.

From the upper right corner, you have the option to export the file in .xls format, and then print it or save it as a .pdf.

Clicking on an absence reveals various details: the period for which it was requested or reported, the type of absence, and, in the case of an absence request, the history of the request, including when it was requested and approved and by whom. You can also navigate from there to the Absence requests tab.

To change the status of an absence request, simply click the 'Approve' or 'Reject' button located at the bottom right of the page.

The Absence Requests tab is exclusively for tracking employee absence requests within the company. It features a status dropdown list to toggle between Pending, Approved, and Rejected requests, with Pending as the default selection. Additionally, you can search by employee name or number, type of absence, or attest group.

On the right, action buttons are available to approve, reject, or delete requests. However, it's important to note that you cannot delete an approved request if it is part of an exported time report.

From this view you can also click on a certain request to view more details about it.