This is the main work organizer under “Workflow” and is as default organised by “Status”, i.e. unlike the “Overview”, it will present work items based on their status and present the most urgent available tasks at the top of the dashboard. To change the order of the items, click on the column you want PMT to sort the tasks by.

In addition to the information available in the data cells, the “Work item” dashboard provides users with a set of actions, including marking a task as completed, adding comments or editing the deadlines.

For more information on the available actions, please see the “User manual - PMT Enterprise - Tasks

Users can also add/remove data cells from the dashboard, by using the “Column picker” 

To add additional columns, simply click on the box to the left of the desired columns.

Alternatively we can remove data cells by unticking the box corresponding to the columns we want to remove.

Similarly to the “Overview” tab, by using the “Filters panel” to the right of the overview, it is possible to customize this dashboard and hence expand or decrease the amount of data shown. Users can also save custom filters by using the “+” icon next to “Workspaces”. The custom overview will then be selectable from the “Workspaces” drop down menu, the next time they use the “Workflow” overview.

It is possible to export any overview to Excel by using the “Export to Excel” function