This feature was developed to easily help new customers to get started with Azets Agreement.

To invite a new customer to a CoZone Agreement trial or a CoZone Subscription, please follow the steps below:

1. On the CoZone Portal, please click on the 'Sprocket'.

2. Click on the 'Agreement subscription' tab,

3. You will be redirected to the page with all the subscriptions, which will contain all the successful and pending invites. To send a new invite click on 'Invite New Company':

4. The company selector will pop up, here you can type the desired company's name, then select it:

5. Now that you have selected the company, you can choose which user will receive the invitation, then click on 'Send Invitation':

Once the user receives the invite and activates the trial or the subscription, they will receive Administrator privileges to their company's agreement account.