This article explains what types of actions can be done on files and folders and how you can manage them. 

1. File uploads

Users can upload any type of document in Drive by dragging and dropping a file or folder to any folder within the company's account, including the 'File Drop to Consultant' folder.

The file names must contain the company's customer number or the name, otherwise, you will get the pop-up below, where you will need to confirm the company:

File Downloads

Files can be downloaded by clicking the download button to the desired file:

Deleting and Moving Files

Files can be deleted or moved by clicking the corresponding file's 'Action Button', then clicking on the desired action:

Deleted files will be stored for one month, during this time they can be restored, if the document area was not deleted.

Multiple files can be downloaded/deleted/or moved by checking the checkbox next to each file, then click on the 'action button':