Employee - Payslips

In Employee > Administration > Payslips you may upload and publish payslips and annual income statements:

To upload a PDF file that contains payslips, click “Upload - Payslips”  in the top right. In the upload page, you see the active company and customer number. To avoid mistakes the file you upload must contain the customer number in the file name or else the upload will not start. 

To upload the Payslip, you should click on “browse files”, and select the PDF file exported from your payroll system, which should already be saved on your PC, afterwards click Upload:


Publishing Options

The first item to set up here is the “Publish Options: 

1. Do not publish - meaning you can upload the file, but publish it at any time later by manually clicking Publish payslips in the top right. 

2. Auto-publish after upload - will publish the payslips as soon as they are uploaded. 

3. Publish on specified date/time - will let you specify a date and a time when the uploaded payslips will be published automatically.

Payslip Sender

The payslip sender option allows you to set up the sender of email notifications that the employees will receive when the payslips are published. You can select here the payroll support email address as sender or Cozone.

If you choose not to send any notifications to the employees when publishing and at the same time only upload them, you may not change the setting so that notifications are sent when you manually publish the uploaded payslips.


The application will detect any invalid formats or file names and will provide the following errors:          

The payslips need to be re-exported from the Payroll system in PDF format.

The payslips PDF file should be renamed to include the customer number.