The staff categories can be created by using the "New staff category" button. The staff categories can be created in 2 ways: with or without time reporting.

The mandatory fields for creating a staff category are the name and the number of working hours per week.

If the staff category will allow time reporting, then depending on the category, presence, absence, other time types and transaction types can be added on each one and also default time types. Also the activity request type should be added here.

For the type of control there are 3 options:

- schedule - in the employee time report calendar will be shown the employee's schedule; employees having this type of control for their staff category won't be able to report overtime during their schedule

- normal working hours -  in the employee time report calendar will be shown 8h

- do not check - usually used for hourly employees that don't have schedules and only report their working hours or sick leave

You can modify the control type for a staff category by selecting it from the list as well and adjust the start or end dates.

The changes are visible in History:


Time rules can also be added to the staff categories, depending on certain time types.

If the staff category will no allow time reporting, then it is possible to add only request types

A Staff category if it is not used can be disabled by editing the staff category and disable from Active:

All the created staff categories in a company are displayed as below:

It is possible to filter the inactive staff categories (Archived):