The employee import can be done from Employee --> HR --> Employees by clicking on the upper right button, inside the certain company:

On the following page, you must select the Excel file to import. There are two options available: one for generating usernames and another for sending login instructions to users. The username generation option should be used only if the import file lacks a username column or if any fields within that column are empty. Selecting the second option will dispatch login instruction emails to all employees listed in the import file; therefore, it should not be used if the file includes both new users and existing ones requiring updates.

After the file is chosen for uploading from the local folder, it can be previewed by clicking on the bottom right button:

In the Preview and Save tab, the content varies based on whether it's an import for new employees or for existing ones. You will find lists of new or updated users, new attestors, new attest groups, among others.

After checking that all the employee data is good, the actual import can be done by choosing "Import employees":

In order for the import to be successful, there are several conditions that need to be fulfilled:

- the employee number is mandatory and needs to be unique

- the username needs to have the email format, has to be unique and there have to be no spaces before or after it in the cell

- the staff category name should not contain commas, digits, brackets and minuses ( if necessary, rename them in the system first, then rename them back, after the import )

the employment date should always be added, otherwise, the first day available for time reporting will be the date when the employee was created

- the role names should be the same as in the system ( if multiple roles will be imported, separate them using a comma, but without any spaces )

- the date format should be yyyy-mm-dd

- the column title should have this format: the first letter for the first word has to be a lower case one, then every word needs to start with an upper case one and no spaces between them ( i.e.: belongsToCompanyStaffCategory )

- if the role, staff category, or attest group are created on the corporation level, then the column should be named accordingly (i.e.:  belongsToCorporationRoles )

Important facts: 

  1. If an employee already exists in another company with the same username as the one on the import file, then all the employees from the import file will be added through the import as deletable employees ( without a username )
  2. The staff categories cannot be deleted from the UI, therefore they need to have the same name in the import file as in the system, otherwise, new staff categories will be created.
  3. When importing new employees, in the import preview should appear: new users, new attestors, new attest groups and so on.
  4. If it's needed to resend login information to all the employees, then a new import can be done and before saving it, the option to send logins needs to be ticked.
  5. When making an updating employees import, if any of the columns have data, then these data will overwrite the existing ones ( i.e. roles )
  6. The employee numbers cannot be changed through the import since this field is mandatory to match the existing employees with the rest of the data from the import file.

  • Changing the staff category

If the employees should have their staff category removed, then in the import file, the column belongsToCompanyStaffCategory should be left empty and the column staffCategoryMembershipBeginDate should contain the date from which the employee will have no staff category.

  • Adding attestors/attest groups to the employees

In order to add this information to the employees, the import file should have the following fields:

Having these in the file will generate new attest groups and also add the employees in the newly created attest groups. 

"belongsToCompanyAttestGroup" - is filled in order for the employee to be assigned to an attest group and for the attest group to be created

"userCanAttestCompanyAttestGroups" - is filled for the attestors to be added in the attest group