These are the steps you need to follow when setting up a new client in Azets Cozone:
- Create the corporation in Control - Optional - if the new client is going to be part of a corporation that doesn't exist yet
- Create the company in Control - don't forget to add the company in an access group, otherwise you won't be able to find it after you save it
- Create the roles in Control then go to Employee
- Create the Reporting types
- Create the Staff categories
- Create the Schedules
- Add Deviation days
- Create Period categories and reminders
- Add the Export types
- Add the reporting types that are going to be used in request for absence
- Prepare the employees import file - check for missing/duplicate usernames, invalid fields; please note that all employees should have an employee number in order to get imported
- Import the employees
- Check if the employees are connected to the right staff categories, roles, attest groups