This article provides a step-by-step guide to help end-users navigate through the absence management features on the platform. The article explains how to view absence requests and their status in the Absence Overview section, and how to access the Team Overview calendar to view absences for users in the same attest group.

My absence requests: To view your own absence requests and their status (Waiting for approval, Approved, or Rejected), click on the "Absence Overview" section on the platform. This will display a list of all your absence requests under "My absence requests":

Team Overview: If you have the necessary privileges, you can also view the team calendar for absences by clicking on the "Team Overview" section. Here, you will be able to see all the absences for users in the same attest group for a certain time range. Note that you will only be able to view the requests, not edit them.

Access Privileges: To access the Team Overview feature, you need to have the "Access to team overview calendar" privilege. Please note that regardless of your attestor/approver or admin rights, you will only see members belonging to the same level as you.

Attestor/Manager Absences: If you are an attestor/manager, you can view both your own attest group absences and the ones that you need to approve under the "Approvals" --> "Request for absence" section.