If you have approver or admin rights, you can see in Approvals --> Request for absence the employees you need to approve, but also the employees that are part of the same attest group as you are (the colleagues from your team).

If you are an approver, you can manage only the absences made by the employees you can attest, but if you are an admin are able to edit any request.

The default time range is the current month and the default view is the calendar view, but you can switch to list view as well.

From the upper right corner, you can export in .xls format and print or save as .pdf.

Calendar view

The absence requests in the calendar view have different colors according to their status. 

You can change the request status by selecting the request and then click on the desired status as follows:

- approved request - can be rejected or deleted

- unapproved request - can be deleted, rejected, or approved

- rejected request - can be deleted or approved

List view

The same actions to change the requests' status can be done in the list view, by clicking on the corresponding icons and switching between the Waiting for Approval, Approved, and Rejected tabs. You can also search by employee number, name, attest group, etc. :