Azets Cozone is our platform for the secure interchange of data between us and our clients. Trusting personal data and financial information to a new system often results in questions from clients seeking reassurance, but with Cozone, all worries about security and GDPR compliance are a thing of the past.


Focus on GDPR
Although its inception predates GDPR, Cozone was always designed with security and confidentiality as a core design consideration. Its highly secure infrastructure ensures complete compliance with GDPR requirements, providing convenience, security, and GDPR compliance all in one platform.


Cozone uses end-to-end encryption, which is much more secure than email, password-protected files, or older technologies such as FTP.


In addition to strong password protection Cozone offers Two-Factor Authentication (TFA) which ensures that only authorized recipients can access and exchange data in Cozone. By gathering all of the client’s Single-Sign-Ons in a single TFA-protected platform, loss of access and risks related to poor password management are mitigated.


When a file is uploaded, it is automatically virus scanned to ensure that viruses and other malware cannot be inadvertently transferred.


Automated scans ensure that newly discovered vulnerabilities affecting any part of Cozone’s infrastructure are rapidly patched. And periodical penetration testing by qualified third parties is conducted to safeguard that Cozone is inaccessible from even the most sophisticated of malicious actors.


Much communication between us and clients occurs rapidly when a document is transferred from sender to recipient for immediate attention. However, clients can choose to retain data in Cozone for longer periods of time and the safety and security of such files are paramount. The facility to set retention time for folders and individual files helps the client keep control of their documents [1].


Cozone has an integrated offboarding process so that when a client ceases to require our services their data remains available to them for a controlled period of time and when that period has elapsed it is automatically erased.


Key data security features:

  • End-to-end encryption
  • Two-factor authentication available
  • Virus scanning of uploaded files
  • Retention periods for folders and individual files
  • Strong offboarding process

Easing the worries of our clients
We receive many questions from our clients about Cozone. The following FAQs answer some of the most frequently encountered questions.

Who owns Azets Cozone?
Cozone is owned, developed, and maintained by:
Azets Software AB
Ekensbergsvägen 113,
71 41 Solna

Inside Cozone, clients may have Single-Sign-On access to third-party software. These applications are owned, maintained, and developed by the respective third-party company. These applications are not hosted by Azets Software AB.

Where is the data in Azets Cozone hosted?
Data held in Cozone is hosted at Amazon Web Services data centers in the EU.

Is my data stored securely?
Data at rest is encrypted using AES-256.
Data in transit is encrypted using TLS.

Could an unauthorized person get access to my data in Azets Cozone?
No unauthorized person can access the files that you store in Cozone. The environment is completely secure and encrypted.

Could my data in Azets Cozone be transferred out of the European Economic Area (EEA) to a “third” country?
The GDPR defines a “third country” as one without an “adequacy agreement”. We would never transfer the personal data held in Cozone to a “third country”. It is hosted solely on secure servers in the European Union [2].

How does Azets Cozone satisfy my rights as a data subject under the GDPR?
Your rights as a data subject are enshrined in Chapter III of the GDPR. Cozone fully supports these rights.

What happens to my data in Azets Cozone if I choose to leave Azets?
Your data in Cozone will remain available for you to retrieve for a fixed period of time, after which it will be automatically erased.

What is the future development and design program for Azets Cozone?
Though fully functional and stable, Cozone is under continuous development. We’re always working on the next set of features to improve your user experience and help you save valuable time.

[1] This functionality will be included in the next release, anticipated April 2022.

[2] Third-party software hosted within Cozone is subject to the Terms and Conditions of the third-party software provider.